Sustainability in the use of QuikRead go® Instrument
We are committed to operating responsibly and sustainably, and we hope our customers will also join these actions. One of our focus areas for development is the environment, we are committed to constantly improving our performance in this focus area.
Our target is to actively reduce our environmental impact and we have recognized the most significant environmental aspects of our business. These aspects relate to the consumption of raw materials, energy, and water, emissions into wastewater, and the amounts of waste created by our operations. We continuously measure and monitor matters related to the environment. More information can be found from our sustainability web pages.

Repairing QuikRead go Instrument improves sustainability
We encourage our customers to pay attention to their own environmental impact. As a QuikRead go Instrument user, you can participate with us in improving sustainability. If something unexpected would happen to your instrument, you can have it repaired instead of scrapping it. Repairing QuikRead go Instrument reduces the use of raw materials, energy, and water. Together we can achieve more!